

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings – they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

Takara released Jared and sat back. In one flash of light, she returned to being a sword again that stood before him.

Jared took the hilt in his hand, kissed it reverently and stood.

Jericho looked at Acheron, wanting to understand what had just happened.

Ash tucked his hands into his pockets. “The Sephirii had ten elite warriors called the Mimoroux. Each one chosen by the sword he or she carried.”

Jared manifested a baldric and put it on so that he could carry his sword. “Takara went two thousand years without a Shiori.”

“A what?”

“A guide.” Jared swallowed before he spoke again. “No one was allowed to wield her. Not until me.”

Jericho didn’t understand until Ash explained. “She was the most powerful of the swords. And whoever wielded her led all the other Sephirii.”

Shit. The Sephirii had been betrayed by their leader. By the most chosen among them…

Jared shook his head. “I deserve what was done to me and worse. But this isn’t about the past. We have to stop Noir.”


Jared’s demon master took Takara from him and sold her. She was given to Jericho by Azura in Dream Warrior and Jericho is the one who reunites her with Jared.




She released him and sat back. In one flash of light, she returned to being a sword again that stood before him.
Jared took the hilt in his hand, kissed it reverently and stood.
Jericho looked at Acheron, wanting to understand what had just happened.
Ash tucked his hands into his pockets. “The Sephirii had ten elite warriors called the Mimoroux. Each one chosen by the sword he or she carried.”
Jared manifested a baldric and put it on so that he could carry his sword. “Takara went two thousand years without a Shiori.”
“A what?”
“A guide.” Jared swallowed before he spoke again. “No one was allowed to wield her. Not until me.”
Jericho didn’t understand until Ash explained. “She was the most powerful of the swords. And whoever wielded her led all the other Sephirii.”
Shit. The Sepherii had been betrayed by their leader. By the most chosen among them…
Jared shook his head. “I deserve what was done to me and worse. But this isn’t about the past. We have to stop Noir.”