Chronicles of Nick Reading List

Chronicles of Nick®

Original Publication Date: January 01, 2010

  1. Infinity
  2. Invincible
  3. Infamous
  4. Inferno
  5. Illusion
  6. Instinct
  7. Invision
  8. Intensity
  9. Sabotage
  10. Last Christmas
  11. Savage
  12. Title to be announced


Nick (CON)

The hero

My name is Nick Gautier and this is the story of my life. First off, get the name right. It's pronounced Go-shay not Go-tee-ay or Goat-chay (that has an extra H in it and as my mom says we're so poor we couldn't afford the extra letter). I'm not some fancy French fashion designer. I'm just a regular kid... well as regular as someone with a stripper for a mother and a career felon for a father can be. But as my mom so often says friends are...
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