Simi Doll

Paladin Section

Original Publication Date: September 04, 2009

At last, the most beloved character of the Dark-Hunter novels by New York Times #1 bestselling Author Sherrilyn are brought to life by Integrity Toys and the Ashton-Drake Galleries!

Welcome to the World of Dark-Hunter! When I started the series back in the mid 1980’s, I had no idea that one day my short stories would give birth to novels that would become bestsellers all over the world. It’s the kind of dream all writers have, but one that is almost impossible to accomplish. And for that I have my dedicated fans to that. Without you and your love for the series, I would never have come so far and the Dark-Hunters would still be my private army.

For those unfamiliar with the books, the Dark-Hunters are ancient warriors who sold their souls to the goddess Artemis for a single Act of Vengeance against those who wrongfully killed them. In return, they are the guardian of mankind who keep us safe from preternatural predators. The DH come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Each one different and each one dedicated.

Acheron is their eternal leader who is a bit different from the others. An ancient Atlantean god, her was cursed to live as a human until his twenty-first birthday. Simi is his demon companion and protector . . . sort of. She has her own unique take on the world and lives to shop and eat. Barbecue sauce is her favorite condiment and it’s one she uses often. Ash has his hands full keeping her from eating things she shouldn’t . . . such as people who annoy her.

Sadly, these collectible dolls from Ashton-Drake are long sold out.



Simi, like Acheron, came with her own accessory pack:




The heroine

Hello, I'm the Simi and it is more than a name it is an attitude. I would tell you what Simi means, but then I'd have to kill you and though you are probably quite tasty, Akri gets all cranky when I snack on humans. Akri knows, but he's not telling neither. I have been with akri for a long, long time. How long? I don't know. It's something like dog years. What is a dog year? I had a dog once, but I ate him so he didn't last a whole year. He...
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