Omega Rising


Original Publication Date: January 03, 1982

Zerin’s nothing special. Just an average Drab, trying to fit into a world that doesn’t seem to like him very much. Adopted by a prominent family, he’s treated more like servant than a son.

What he doesn’t know is that he’s actually the product of two human parents who imbued him with powers quite extraordinary. One of the most amazing is that in times of angst, he can call on the Ky-Chi and become a burly warrior who is practically invincible.

Now he only has to learn to control it and keep it a secret from the Drabs who are out to find him and exterminate him before he can locate more of his kind.


*Sherri apologizes for the delay in getting her books out. For those who haven’t heard, her life was torn apart during her divorce by an out-of-control judge and a corrupt judicial system that held her and her family hostage for more than two years and left her bankrupt and without a place to live while threatening to take away everything from her, including all her book rights, her freedom, and to force her to write for free to pay the unimaginable legal fees of those who were torturing her. Thankfully, her publisher is still behind her, but it will take some time for her to get back on a “normal” publishing schedule. Please be patient as Sherri and her publisher work together to get the books her fans love back into production and out to the fans who have been so eagerly waiting for them. As soon as we have release dates for them, we will let everyone know.