Shadow Of The Moon

Entire Dark-Hunters®/Hunter Legends Series, Were-Hunters®

Original Publication Date: December 01, 2003

Setting: Modern New Orleans

Angelia has fought her entire life to make herself strong. Now with her tessera
under fire, she has to protect herself and her patria from Fury and his Werewolf

But now the hunter has become the hunted and the only for her to survive
is to trust the feral Wolf she once tried to kill…

It’s currently one of the stories in the DARK BITES anthology.


To order a copy of the story in a book, please see the Dark Bites page.









The hero

Fury was born to two parents who hated each other. One Arcadian, the other Katagaria. His Arcadian mother raised him, believing he would be her precious Aristos son-- he was to be her furious revenge against the Kattagaria who had brutalized her and her clan. Instead, when Fury hit puberty and gained his Were-Hunter powers, he turned from Arcadian to Katagaria--something he tried his best to keep hidden. But when the one person he trusted, his...
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The heroine

Angelia has fought her entire life to make herself strong. Now with her tessera under fire, she has to protect herself and her patria from Fury and his werewolf pack. And her world hasn't been the same since Bride introduced her to the wonderful world of hair dye.
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